ECS Electric Circuits & Systems
It mainly deals with basic concepts such as charge, current, voltage, power and energy, and circuit elements. In addition, basic laws such as ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws. Besides, methods of analysis like nodal analysis, mesh analysis, circuit theorems, superposition, source transformation, Thevenin’s theorem, and Norton’s theorem. Capacitors and inductors, capacitors, series and parallel capacitors, inductors, and series and parallel inductors also will be introduced. Both first-order and second-order circuits will be explained. Finally, Sinusoids and Phasors are presented in this course.
EEM211 Elektrik Devreleri I
Doç. Dr. Mohammed VADİ
EEE 105 Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliğine Giriş
Elektrik devre değişkenleri, Devre elemanları, Direnç devreleri, Direnç devrelerinde analiz yöntemleri, Devre teoremleri, İşlemsel kuvvetlendirici, Enerji depolayan elemanlar, RL ve RC devreleri